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Firefighters of CHRP-INDIA aims to showcase the role of Virtual Reality in Industrial training solutions. Mr. Tim McDonough, GM & Vice President of Unity Technologies had a visit to the stall of CHRP and experienced the VR content.

CHRP-INDIA participated in TECH 2018, UNESCO MGIEP's international conference, organised with the State Government of Andhra Pradesh, aims to showcase the role of Virtual Reality in today’s classrooms, how to make education a reality and how to create peaceful and sustainable societies.

This demo was conducted for showcasing VR solutions for the industrial training.
10 key personnel from CII institute of quality participated.

This demo was conducted in the month of July 2018 at Smart Manufacturing Summit 2018, Pune. In Association with Unity Technology and Dell India

This Workshop was conducted in the month of July 2018 for Hero Team at Dehra Dun. 
A team of 100 employees participated in the VR Simulation on PPE Safety Training

This Workshop was conducted in the month of June 2018 for Honda Management Team at Kolar Factory, Bengaluru. 
A team of 60 employees participated in this VR Simulation on PPE Safety Training

This workshop was conducted in the month of Mar 2018 along with the ERT team in the BGRT Campus of Schneider Electric located in Bengaluru. 
We catered to approx. 60 audience members to experience the various VR simulations

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